Wednesday, June 30, 2004 Currently Unemployed
Today was my last day at my current job, and now its off to London for employment!
The following is the email I sent to all staff.
Well its been a blast! And I mean that.
I've been with here for basically 5 years and can't even put together all of the fantastic experiences I've had with everyone here, but I'm going to try tell you some of them.....
I was interviewed late one afternoon, and was told by the powers that be that my web sites i showed them were no good
I crashed a major clients PC on my first day
I saw Y2K testing begin on New Years Eve 1999
I was here when [our product] was a Java applet and the tea room was full of developers
I remember when Tech Services was a meeting room and Professional Services was training rooms
I've seen the business grow from 15 to 50/60
I've seen bad ties, bad shirts and white socks
I've ran, walked and played basketball with people from here
I've only had an official title in the last 9 months and you should try reading my job description
I've been to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and worked with multiple clients who some I've become good friends with and see when I visit
I've seen nearly half a dozen receptionists come through
I've had two people here who I'd call mentors
I've always sat next to the same guy
I've had a deep and meaningful conversation with someone from management
I've been to three work weddings and seen way too many work babies
I've donated my videos to whomever could answer my silly questions
I've shot paintballs at some of you
I've drunk way too much with way too many of you
I've danced in one of Adelaide's notorious bars with two of you
I feel I've left my mark with the company and hopefully also with some of my colleagues
I've always tried to make you laugh
I'm leaving two of my best friends and too many close friends to mention here at ECS and will miss you all
Posted by Nick @ 3:40 pm
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