Tuesday, August 30, 2005 Prove I still have it and more
We've just had a long weekend, and we'd done Brighton [UK] and Loire Valley [France] in the last two weekends, and with both housemates out for a week, we relished the empty house.
So I finally pulled my finger out and did some web work with my free time [or not on XBOX time]. The mockup was done in Photoshop about 2 months ago, but no [X]HTML. Well now there's some initials. Once the client [heheh -- The Girl's Mum] is OK with it, I'll give you a sneak peak - so keep an eye out. Feels good to be back in to it - I have some cool books to look at for inspiration and hopefully redo this site a little too [and add more frequent words!].
Go this and this today. Both nicely presented and keen as for DTS version of The Best Shark Movie Ever.
Posted by Nick @ 1:50 pm
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